Category Archives: Rambling Commentary

I’m Not Watching Either Convention and This is Why

As I watch a football game rather than the Democratic National Convention friends are hassling me for putting sports over politics.  Well, I’m not watching either convention, and it’s specifically because I care about politics. How exactly is a meticulously … Continue reading

Posted in Rambling Commentary |

Thoughts on Medium First journalism

A couple weeks ago (back when I originally meant to write this) Steve Buttry, Director of Community Engagement and Social Media for my employer’s employer Digital First Media, wrote a series of five blog posts about the philosophy and workflow of … Continue reading

Posted in Rambling Commentary |

Mark Zuckerberg Is A Sociopath

Not to start off too Seinfeldian, but what’s up with Mark Zuckerberg? For those who aren’t up to their eyeballs in news every moment of every day Mark Zuckerberg only eats animals he kills.  Not Ted Nugent, survivalist, only eats … Continue reading

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